Saturday, 1 February 2014

Board meeting update

Here are a list of the topics covered at the latest board meeting of the Saab Owners Club

  1. Membership is staying steady, in fact there has been a bit of an increase in figures, we had 35 new members join at the NEC which was indeed a bumper figure.

  2. The new section in the Driver magazine has proved to be very popular, with the registrar getting loads of enquires.

  3. A new section will section will soon appear on the website and hopefully within the magazine called Saab Of The Week, where SOC members cars are featured and also appear in the mag, these have not got to be immaculate old 2 stroke cars they will be whatever you send in, Robin Morley has offered to run this bit.

  4. A member asked that the 2015 National be announced at this years event, well, they are working hard as we speak to sort that out so watch this space.

  5. The advertising company that sources our adverts came in to explain that the climate is difficult, but they are working hard to keep advertising coming in (obviously this all helps to pay for Driver / postage etc).

  6. A member asked about our specialists adding the SOC website and discounts, well a lot of the specialists will offer a discount, especially the ones mentioned in the Driver, I know Neo Bros will give a discount just quote your membership number when ordering.

  7. With tax discs being phased out (and we have loads of holders) we are looking in to providing two membership cards, one that you keep in your wallet or wherever, and another that is tax disc shaped that you can put in your windscreen tax disc holder.


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